Fear Not Everyday
There are 365 fear nots in the Bible! A coincidence? I think not! This further proves that YAHWEH is very intentional about everything He says.
He needs you to know not to fear every day, so He placed this phrase in the Bible, one for each day of the year. Why does He believe that we need it for every day though? Is it because we are hard of hearing?
I believe it is because He knows that we daily face some really tough situations and challenges that can cause us to fear. And He knows the torment that fear can cause us. But He loves us too much to allow us to be tormented like this on a daily basis.
Fear’s torment makes you lie awake even when there’s really nothing to fear. But the peace of Christ causes you to sleep soundly even when a terrible storm is raging.
Christ also demonstrated this when He slept soundly on the boat being tossed by the raging storm. He showed us that it is possible to not fear even when the storm threatens to take our lives by drowning us.
We need to determine that no matter what we face in our daily walk with God, we will not fear. We will allow His peace to reign! Through the high and stormy gales, be still and know that Yahweh is God.
Speak to every storm and command peace. Say to the high mountains, be made plain. Declare to the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for GOD is with me! Look fear in the face and defy it for you are a warrior of Christ!

Father, thank You for being ever so mindful of us and reassuring us daily that there is nothing to fear. You’re such a caring Father to us.
Please LORD, help us to always remember this as we journey through this earth. Help our hearts to remain steadfast in faith, never fear, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a blessed day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
*© Tosin Oyelakin, June 2021*