Experiential Knowledge of God’s Presence
There is a deep desire in everyone of us for a deeply satisfying relationship with someone or something. This is because we are created to connect and sustain one another.
The only place where Adam found this flowing fountain of soul satisfying connection was in the cool of the evening when he would fellowship with his Creator. Not even his relationship with Eve, the bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh could give him this satisfaction.
Adam lost this deeply satisfying connection when because of sin, he was thrust out of Yahweh’s presence. And since then, up till now, we are all still trying to find it.
We look for it on so many different ways. Some try marriage, friendships, children, drugs, partying, career, ministry, alcohol and so on. But the only place where we can find our satisfaction is in experiencing the knowledge of our Creator only!
The knowledge of God is only found by dwelling daily in His presence. The light of His glorious presence will bring revelation that enlightens the mind. Life of satisfaction is found by drinking in His ever flowing presence.

Father, thank You because from the beginning, You have always sought to have a deeply satisfying relationship with us. We know this only comes through experiencing the knowledge of Your presence.
Please help us to seek after this and not try to substitute with things and relationships that can never come close, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah
Have a blessed day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020
P.S: #Shammah, new single coming soon!