Yahweh Will Be Glorified and Honoured


Yahweh Will Be Glorified and Honoured

Posted OnDecember 1, 2020 0

It is December, the last month of the most challenging year our generation has seen so far! The enemy has thrown so much at us, the inhabitants of the earth. He’s done everything to keep us down and out.

But now, the LORD who emancipated us from his grip even before the earth was founded upon the waters, has brought us to the brink of our victory. We are about to pass through the Red Sea in order to cross over into the promised future of abundance, peace and wholeness.

Covid-19 is the pharaoh that wants to chase us down and hold us captive in its grip of sickness and countless deaths. It’s hardening its heart against the LORD and his people saying, “I won’t let you go.”

But the Spirit of the LORD says to you today, “do not be afraid or fret for I have brought you this far and I am able to take you into my plans for your future.

Evil has done everything to stop 2021 from happening for many of you. But I Am He who has sworn to deliver you out of its hands. And I will do what I have purposed.”

The enemy that comes after you into your God-given victory is ready for his own public show of shame. Jehovah Shammah is there to glorify Himself through the hardness of your enemy’s heart.

Go into your December with ‘Godfidence’, thanksgiving and praises for Yahweh has given us victory! Hallelujah!!


Father, we have nothing but thanksgiving and praises to Your name for all that you have done for us this year. It’s been very tough, but You have kept us and brought us through.

How great You are! Take all the glory and adoration that is due to Your name, now and forever in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah

Have a glorious month of December and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020
P.S: #Shammah, new single coming soon!