Confidence in Righteousness
The Bible says the wicked runs when no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion – Proverbs 28:1. As a child, when I’ve done something wrong, I was always expecting to be found out because I almost always was!
God loves me so much He wouldn’t let me get away with something bad that I had done. So, while waiting for my bad behaviour to be discovered, I would jump anytime my mum came near me. Not because she was a bad mum, but because I had been a naughty girl!
But when I had a praise report, like great results from my exams, I would even be the one to approach my mum with so much confidence because I knew a lot of praise was coming my way. I knew at that point in time, I was her favourite girl in the world! Don’t tell my sisters I said that, lol.
When we live lives of integrity and holiness to God, we live in confidence knowing that He is on the side of the righteous.
We know that He will bless and fight for us. Because of this, we will come to Him confident of His love and approval.
The dubious person, however, does not have the confidence of the righteous. They know that it’s only a matter of time before their wickedness catches up with them unless they turn to God in true repentance.
In righteousness, you have nothing to fear. In dubiousness, on the other hand, you can only hide for so long. Exposure is always around the corner.

Dear LORD, thank You for always being there for anyone who chooses to walk in Your pathway of righteousness. Thank You because You’re faithful to keep the righteous ones from evil.
Therefore, Lord, please help us to keep our confidence in You as You continue to lead us in the path of righteousness for your namesake. We will forever live in fearless confidence because of Your faithfulness to us, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah
Have a beautiful day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin, February 2022
Music: Tosin Oyelakin – Alpha and Omega