Canopy That Never Leaks


Canopy That Never Leaks

Posted OnOctober 2, 2020 0

So, when I was growing up back in Nigeria, we lived in a top floor flat and our roof leaked when it rained. Thankfully, it was in the hallway and not in the bedroom otherwise, sleeping through the rain would’ve been a nightmare!

Anyway, the roof over our heads was meant to protect and shield us from the elements; the sunshine, the wind the rain. It was meant to be a safe haven for us. If it’s raining outside, we should be running to hide underneath our roof for protection.

On the other hand though, we didn’t seem to get that full protection, unfortunately. We had to scramble for buckets to protect our home and properties from flooding.

Many times, we bring ourselves under the canopy of things that cannot give us full protection. We trust in wealth, talents, our gifts and even other people. We say that we trust in the LORD, but at the same time we are thinking of how these things or people can help shield us.

The truth is that we need nothing and no one else but the name of Yahweh. The name of Yahweh is a canopy that protects, and also brings you honour, glory and favour. All that you need is under the Name of GOD.

It may mean that like Elijah, we will receive help from ravens. Or like Jesus, angels themselves will be sent to minister directly. Or even like in the wilderness, the rock will give water and manner will rain down from heaven!

God is more than able to make all things abound to you and he doesn’t need anyone, not even you, to be able to do that. Let us do as we say and truly trust in Him with all our hearts!


Father, thank You so much for giving us Your great name to protect us, shield us, provide for us and fight for us. We thank You because we need nothing and no one else but Your name.

As we learn to live fully under Your name, please do as Your word says and make us a wonder to the world around us. Let them observe and see that of a truth, You have set us apart to show Your power and glory in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a glorious day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️

© Tosin Oyelakin 2020

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