Benefits Of Obedience
The instructions and commands that the Lord gave us in the scriptures for us to follow may seem like they’re too stringent. And yes, they do require a lot of discipline and self control to follow.
When you critically examine the commands and who benefits from them at the end of day, however, you will find that they are for our own good. They’re instructions that will lead us in the pathway of victorious lives.
They lead to success and health. They also lead to eternal life. And when you fully obey them, you will receive the reward in your own life. Your obedience doesn’t change God, but it changes you.
Obedience to Yahweh gets you many wonderful things. One of them is that you become an absolute terror to your enemies! Because you follow His instructions, you will always prevail over anything or anyone that rises against you.
They flee before you, confused and in terror, while you hold your peace. So take care to study and to obey the life and victory giving word of God!

I pray for an outpouring of a deep hunger for the word in us. May Yahweh strengthen us to stay in the place of continual obedience to Him and His word. And may we always receive the benefits of obedience in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a lovely day. Agape ❤