Challenges Can Be Blessings


Challenges Can Be Blessings

Posted OnApril 5, 2022 0

Jesus Christ was introduced to His disciples by God Himself as His beloved son (Luke 9:35). No higher validation can anyone receive than this.

This validation and beloved status of Christ did not exempt Him from having challenges still. In fact, it seemed to earn Him more and more challenges as He displayed the power that comes with who He is.

The greatest challenge He faced was having to go on the cross. This final challenge, however earned Him the greatest blessing that would keep giving for all of eternity. And that’s the souls of every believer that ever was, is and ever will be!

But because He knew this challenge was His stepping stone to His greatest blessings, He endured it and despised it’s shame (Hebrews 12:2). He is our example on which we, as believers, should focus.

Being the beloved of the Lord and being led by Him can only bring you into inheriting the best of the earth. The impossible is made possible. Even your challenges become blessings!


I pray for strength for you to persevere through your challenges. You may be facing rocky times, but out of the rock, the LORD will bring you the sweetness of honey, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah

Have a glorious day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️

*© Tosin Oyelakin, April 2022*

Music: Tosin Oyelakin – His Joy Comes

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