Daily Words of Wisdom.


Daily Words of Wisdom.

Posted OnApril 5, 2019 0


Hi there! Happy Friday. Here’s your Daily W.O.W …

You don’t win any battles by flapping about, being anxious and in despair. Stop running here and there, stop looking desperately around for solutions and stop losing your beauty sleep at night because the enemy is on a rampage.

Keep your cool, be calm and collected, return to the secret place of the Most High, let your heart be quietened and confident in the Lord your God! Therein lies your strength.

Don’t let that situation box you into a corner like a trapped mouse. Arise and take your victory confidently and without stressing! May the Lord continue to guard our hearts with His peace that passes all human understanding in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah

Have a blessed day. Agape ❤️.

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