The Secret Place
A fortress has been defined as a military stronghold, especially a strongly fortified town. So when you have a fortress built around you, it will take a force or power stronger than your fortress to break it down.
If, however, you have the strongest fortress in the whole wide world, then nothing can ever break it down except you yourself.
Making Yahweh your wall of protection is the best decision you can make for yourself. There’s no power in heaven or earth than can ever break through that fortress to attack you successfully.
There is no divination or evil plan against you that will stand when Christ hides you in God. They have to go through the Trinity to get to you. Talk about IMPOSSIBLE!
But you need to ensure that you do not break the hedge yourself. Stay within the confines of your strong tower. Don’t allow the enemy in by opening a door through sin, disobedience, lack of love and so on. Be sure to close any door that you have opened. Repent and return to your fortress.

May the LORD continue to keep us from evil as we take refuge under the shadow of His wings in Yeshua’s name. #Selah.
Have a beautiful day. Agape ❤