If The LORD Be For You


If The LORD Be For You

No matter how kind and nice we are with others, not everyone will like us or see the good in us. Not everyone will be on our side. In fact, sometimes, the more we demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit, the more some people stand against us.

That’s just how life is. When this happens, we may want to doubt or question our integrity as Christians. We may start to think that maybe we are in the wrong.
You could however never be in the wrong when you display love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. There is no law against these.
When you have chosen to walk in the LORD’s will towards others, He will always stand with you and it doesn’t matter who stands against you.
It doesn’t matter what or who you’re up against. What matters is who is up there with you. The more the battles you fight, the stronger you become … if the LORD is with you.
In everything you do, make sure you have Yahweh on your side and you will always win!

May the LORD grant us wisdom and grace to always have God on our side of the battle. May He never turn His back against us, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a wonderful day. Agape ❤

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