Who Needs A Saviour?


Who Needs A Saviour?

I have heard an argument that people who have high moral standards, who won’t do anything bad to themselves or others, love people, give to charity etc, will end up in heaven even if they don’t believe in Christ as their saviour. The argument is that they have not sinned, at least by the world’s standards. And so because God is a good God, He will welcome them in eternity.
The truth is that if high morals could save us in the first place, there wouldn’t have been any need for Jesus to die in order to redeem us. Father would have just got us to work on being morally righteous.
There is no one who was born into this world that is without sin. Not one person. We inherited it from our fathers and there is no other way out but to acknowledge in all humility, that no matter how good we are, we still need the Saviour’s saving grace.
Admitting your own imperfections is admitting to your humanity. Admitting Jesus’ perfection is admitting His sovereign rule over sin. The only way to be free of your natural sinful nature is through Jesus’ blood. Being a “good” person just isn’t enough. You need to be perfect and that only comes through acceptance of the grace of Christ Jesus to save and continually wash you of your sins.

I pray that our hearts will yield to call of the Spirit as he convicts us of our need for a saviour. We will not harden our hearts and we will come to know the peace that comes only through our Lord Yeshua. #Selah

Do have a wonderful Wednesday. Agape ❤

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