Who Can Stand Against The Lord?


Who Can Stand Against The Lord?

Unfortunately, not everyone will like you or support you in all your endeavours. In fact, some people are not happy that you are blessed and favoured in your ways. Some people naturally wish that nothing works for you in order for you to fail. This is mostly for no reason at all and for nothing that you have done wrong.
Another unfortunate thing is that many of these people are the closest ones to you … family, friends, co-workers, fellow believers etc. King David had a heavy dose of this in his lifetime. Even our Lord Yeshua experienced enmity from His fellow Rabbis and one of His closest friends who ultimately betrayed Him to be killed.
With God however, you have the promise of His full protection against your enemies. You’re not without help! You belong to the Almighty, most powerful God. They stand against you, then they stand against Him. He fights all your battles and ensures that you are not overcome by them. His promises stand sure and like David, if we trust Him with all our hearts, He will make all our enemies our footstools indeed!

I pray that we will learn to release our battles to God every time so that we can see Him set confusion into the camp of the enemy, in Yeshua’s name. #Selah.

Have a beautiful day. Agape ❤

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