The Lord’s Plans, Not Mine


The Lord’s Plans, Not Mine

Posted OnMarch 1, 2022 0

I’m a dreamer, and tend to envision things a lot in my mind. I see plans for my future that I desire, very clearly in my mind in moving pictures. I had my life planned out in my own little world ever since my early teenage years or thereabouts.

At that time, I did pray and asked God to put His stamp of approval on my own plans for my life. I never asked Him what His plans for me were! Yes I loved Him even back then, but had very little understanding about laying my will down for His.

Needless to say that now, what I envisioned is not what I’m living. His plans for me overtook all of that, so long ago. However, I wouldn’t have it any different! Because living His purpose has brought such fulfilment that nothing else would ever give me!

This is one way of pleasing God; laying your own desires down, and by faith, taking ups His and trusting Him completely. Without faith it is impossible to please God.

The pathway to pleasing Yahweh starts with being fully submissive to His plans for your life. This takes faith! Your own plans can only take you so far. His plans will carry you through all of eternity.


Father, thank You because even though your thoughts and plans for us are so much higher than ours, they always bring us into your peace and goodness.

As you have already worked our lives out for us, do help us to choose to walk with you and never in our own will. And keep us strong in our resolve to do this no matter what we face on this pathway, so that we may enjoy all the blessings at the end of it all, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah

Have a lovely month of March and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️

*© Tosin Oyelakin, February 2022*

Music: Tosin Oyelakin – Marching Forward

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