The LORD Justifies
Jesus said that some people need to see a sign to believe and I believe this is very true. We naturally tend to believe what we can perceive with our senses.
When results are visible or can be demonstrated, then it’s easier to sell your product. Only a few people will buy into any product that doesn’t have testimonials and high user ratings.
When God sends us on an assignment, like he sent Moses to deliver His children from slavery, it will take signs for even the ones you have been sent to, to believe you.
Moses had to convince the elders of Israel through a sign by dropping his rod which turned in a snake, and then back into a rod when he picked it up. Then and only then did they buy into his mission.
In the same way, God validated his assignment for Joshua in the sight of the people when the river Jordan parted for them. This proved that God was with him, Jehovah Shammah.
Some of us, when we take up God’s assignment for us, instead of looking to God to you validate of His calling on our lives, we start to seek the approval of men. But men will only respond to what they can see as your results!
Until the LORD exalts you before those to whom He sent you, you will not earn their respect. Labour to earn the LORD’s justification rather than human magnification! God is the One who calls and also justifies.

Father, thank You for Your gifts and calling in our lives are without repentance, no matter how we choose to use and administer the gift and calling.
Do help us to rely on You for the justification of our calling by the results You cause us to display. Let us not lose our focus but keep our eyes fixed on the goals you’ve set for us, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a blessed day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
*© Tosin Oyelakin 2021*