Submit To Yahweh’s Leadings


Submit To Yahweh’s Leadings

Posted OnOctober 19, 2020 0

The most important, but also very difficult part of our Christian walk with Yahweh is submission and trust. Absolute trust in Him brings absolute submission to His leadings.

As a sojourner here on the earth, you will pass through different terrains, different seasons and experiences. You will experience the miraculous that blows your mind. And you could go straight from there to a wilderness experience that makes you wonder of God is truly with you.

Like the Israelites, you could go from a mighty Red Sea experience of deliverance for yourself and destruction of your enemies, straight into the wilderness experience. All while being led by God Himself.

Like Jesus, you could’ve just had the Holy Spirit rest upon you and the voice of God Himself affirming you as a child of God. Straight to being led into the wilderness all so that the devil can tempt you!

Whether the Red Sea has just parted before you or you’re walking right into a dry wilderness experience, Yahweh is always there to guide you to His divine plan and purpose for your life. Trust Him!

Every step of the way, submit to Him. Trust that He has nothing but good thoughts, never evil, for you.This to bring you to the glorious future and hope which He promised. Learn to lean on His everlasting arms.


Father, thank You that no matter where we are in our journeys, You’re always present to guide and help us through it all.

Please, teach our hearts to be stayed on You at all times. Help us to always trust and submit to Your leadings in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a beautiful day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020

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