Revelation Vs Learning


Revelation Vs Learning

Posted OnOctober 22, 2020 0

We all go to school to learn. We learn different subjects that help us to understand how things work in our world. The sciences, maths, languages, arts, history, geography and so on and so forth.

We start by learning everything, a wide range of subjects. But as we grow in learning, we begin to specialise in particular subjects until we streamline our learning to one area. Then we become specialists in that area.

This area of expertise is an area that, not only have learned, but we have deep revelation about. We know almost everything that needs to be known in that area.

We become the guru so to speak in this. Tnd we are consulted by anyone who needs help or understanding in this our area of expertise.

It’s one thing to learn about something, but another to have deep revelation about it. We can all learn, but we don’t all have revelation. It’s only those who have revelation that benefits from the fruit of knowledge.

Revelation trumps learning. Knowledge puffs up, but revelation humbles. No amount of learning can compare to even the slightest revelation of the Truth. Seek revelation above learning!


Father, as we seek to learn more and more about You, do please grant us deep revelation about Your truth. Help our lives to change through the revelation of who You are and who we are in Christ.

Help us to to display this revelation and also be able to lead others into it in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have an amazing day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020

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