Remember, Praise His Name
The human mind has a natural tendency to forget past victories especially when going through a new and more challenging situation than ever before.
We forget so quickly how we were delivered from situations that should have swallowed us. We forget the power of the King who lives in us.
That’s exactly what happened to the Israelites on their journey to the promised land when they faced difficulty and war. They forgot about the same God who delivered them with a mighty hand from slavery in Egypt not so long ago!
The psalmist also realised it and he prayed that he may never forget that God can and will always deliver.
So whatever you’re facing now or will face in future, may you always remember! Remember all the benefits that have come to you from the LORD and praise His name. He’s done it before, He will do it again!

Father, thank You for everything that You have done in our lives. Let Your praise never depart from our mouths. May we always remember Your goodness and give You praise forevermore, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a glorious day. Agape ❤