Not By Saying, But By Walking
One of the reasons that Jesus came to live on earth for a while in the flesh is show us an example of what we are capable of. He was fully a man as He is God, but lived a standard that we are meant to emulate because we are able to.
Before He declared Himself as the Son of God or Bread of Life, and so on, He actually demonstrated that first. He demonstrated His power and authority over sicknesses, diseases and demonic powers.
Everything He did was borne out of compassion for everyone who was touched and healed by His ministry. He actually “walked the walk” before “talking the talk.”
In the same way, anyone can claim to be anything. It is one thing to declare an identity, but it is another to truly be who or what we have proclaimed.
The talk is cheap but the walk is revealing. It isn’t what we say, but how we walk. Jesus is our example, we should allow compassion to guide our everyday actions.
Jesus said, “by their fruits you shall know them.” He could boldly say that because He had the fruits that showed who He really is. We, likewise, should let our fruits show who we truly are.

Father, thank You for Your love and compassion which You extended to us through our LORD Jesus Christ. His love which He demonstrated thousands of years ago still echoes through the generations even for us today and will continue to do so forever.
Do help us also to walk in His footsteps to allow all our actions to be borne out love and compassion for You and for others in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah
Have a beautiful day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2021