

So the year is coming to an end, and it’s so easy to look back on the goals you set yourself at the beginning of the year, and think, oh no! I haven’t achieved even half of them! Or to think of your dreams and feel you’re not where you would have liked to be in the process of living them.

Can I however encourage you to look on the bright side, and think of the positives. Think of all the good parts of the year and still be thankful, and not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with #thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Philippians 4:6)

Here are further scientifically proven benefits of being thankful which you will find align with the will of God for us according to the scriptures.

According to an article written by Amy Morin for Forbes,

* Gratitude improves psychological health. Gratitude reduces a multitude of toxic emotions, ranging from envy and resentment to frustration and regret. Robert A. Emmons, Ph.D., a leading gratitude researcher, has conducted multiple studies on the link between gratitude and well-being. His research confirms that gratitude effectively increases happiness and reduces depression.

* Gratitude enhances empathy and reduces aggression. Grateful people are more likely to behave in a prosocial manner, even when others behave less kind, according to a 2012 study by the University of Kentucky. Study participants who ranked higher on gratitude scales were less likely to retaliate against others, even when given negative feedback. They experienced more sensitivity and empathy toward other people and a decreased desire to seek revenge.

* Grateful people sleep better. Writing in a gratitude journal improves sleep, according to a 2011 study published in Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. Spend just 15 minutes jotting down a few grateful sentiments before bed, and you may sleep better and longer.

* Gratitude improves self-esteem. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Applied Sport Psychologyfound that gratitude increased athlete’s self-esteem, which is an essential component to optimal performance. Other studies have shown that gratitude reduces social comparisons. Rather than becoming resentful toward people who have more money or better jobs – which is a major factor in reduced self-esteem- grateful people are able to appreciate other people’s accomplishments.

* Gratitude increases mental strength. For years, research has shown gratitude not only reduces stress, but it may also play a major role in overcoming trauma. A 2006 study published in Behavior Research and Therapy found that Vietnam War Veterans with higher levels of gratitude experienced lower rates of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. A 2003 study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that gratitude was a major contributor to resilience following the terrorist attacks on September 11. Recognizing all you have to be thankful for – even during the worst times of your life – fosters resilience.

Take a moment each day, and focus on the things that are working for you, be thankful to God for them! Not only does this cause the hand of God to move on your behalf, it also helps you have a better quality of life.

God bless you and I wish you a glorious and wonderful 2017.


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