Judah (Praise) Will Speak


Judah (Praise) Will Speak

Posted OnJuly 9, 2021 0

Judah, as we know, means praise and your praise has a voice that speaks many things. Praise speaks of the glory and power of Yahweh (Psalm 107:21-22).

Praise speaks deliverance from captivity (Acts 16:24-35).

It makes way for the manifest presence of Yahweh and His Spirit (2Chronicles 5:13-14). Praise in your mouth is a powerful weapon of warfare with which Yahweh can set an ambush against your enemies (2 Chronicles 20:22).

Oh yes, and this is why the kingdom of darkness will do anything to shut down your praise. They know your praise will shut down their operations in your life and so they will take counsel together to go up against it in an attempt to keep you from speaking it.

They will bring up challenges, trials and situations that will want to distract you. They will try to discredit the name and power of God so that you will not see any reason to praise Him

Whatever is contending with your praise, trying to shut you up through challenges will never stand. This is because Yahweh will not allow your praise to be taken away from you! No, their counsel will not stand!

Your praise will continue to speak and the glory will be made manifest in your life. In the presence of Yahweh, nothing negative or evil dares manifest themselves. You are completely safe and protected in the atmosphere of praise.


Father, thank You for giving opening our eyes to see how much we can gain when we maintain an atmosphere of praise in our lives. Thank You for giving us this weapon that is perfectly powerful in its working.

Please grant us wisdom to let our praise continually speak and go up into Your ears that we may permanently create the atmosphere of glory all around us. Give us victory over any contenders for our praise that it may always speak in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a glorious day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️

*© Tosin Oyelakin, July 2021*

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