It’s Jubilee!!
The year of jubilee is the year of restoration. The year in which every bondage of slavery is willingly loosed.
It is also the year in which everything that was forcefully or lawfully taken away from you is restored back to you, it’s original owner.
Furthermore, it’s a year that your work yields for you, a bountiful harvest. You have more than enough to eat and drink with so much leftover.
In this season of jubilee also, you live in peace and safety. You’re forgiven all your debts and every enemy is at peace with you.
You however have to ensure that you stay in your place of calling, the place in which the LORD created you to occupy in Him. There should be no breaking of ranks and stepping out of line.
I declare to you today … Your jubilee has been announced! You are recovering all that belongs to you, and your harvest is coming in. Rejoice!

Father, for all who have stayed in their place of calling and not broken ranks, we receive our jubilee. Thank You for announcing our new season freedom, mercy and harvest.
We receive it and walk in it’s fullness in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a glorious day. Agape ❤