Honour the Familiar Help


Honour the Familiar Help

Posted OnJuly 6, 2021 0

Sometimes, when we look at the magnitude of our challenges, we expect the the solution has to come in a big way or from a very strong unfamiliar source.

But many times, God uses very simple things or people around us to resolve these issues for us. What we never feel can ever come through for us can be the exact miracle we need.

You see, Yahweh is a master planner and a good God. He will not plant you in Africa and place your miracle in Asia. If He does do that, He will make a way for you to get to Asia when it’s time for the miracle to manifest.

However, what I’m trying to say is, look around you. There are things and people who GOD can use for you. Help comes to us in the most unlikeliest of places. Don’t look down on potential help that has been sent to you because of over-familiarity. GOD can use anyone to bless you.


Father, thank You for You are the one who plants the lonely ones into families. For Adam, you gave a helpmeet whom You planted in the same garden when you saw his need.

For each one of us, do open our eyes to see the help and support that you’ve placed in our lives. Help us to recognise them and never allow our familiarity with them rob us of our blessings in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a great day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️

*© Tosin Oyelakin, July 2021*

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