He’s In Control
There are times along our life’s journey that we will feel like giving up. We feel like everything is falling apart. We have lost control and it looks like even God is no longer in control.
And we are bombarded on every side by trials and tribulations. Accusations from everywhere and it seems like nothing we do is ever going to work. It looks as if the enemy has gained the upper hand!
Let me encourage you today. What is your life that God is unable to control when He controls world events? They think they have you in a corner, but they’re working in line with Yahweh’s will!
When the waters seem to overwhelm your soul, take refuge in the name of the LORD. Access His presence and allow His loving arms to enfold you in His embrace as He carries you through it all.
You will come out victorious!

I pray that every heart that is failing in courage in the face of life’s challenges will receive a divine touch of the Holy Spirit and be restored, in Yeshua’s name. #Selah
Have beautiful day. Agape ❤