Give It Away


Give It Away

We live in communities and it is essential that we understand that we are not to look to our own interests only. We look out for everyone within our community.

I believe that’s the way God made it so that we can bless one another with whatever we have, so no one lacks. And this can be anything, not just money. Time, prayers, encouragement, prophecy, love, kindness.
The gifts of the LORD within the church is so that the body can be fully nourished by each and every gift. So your gift is very much needed. Give it away. Don’t hold it back!
When you bless others with what you have been blessed with, you gain favour and friendship of God. Be prudent. Save towards eternity by giving it out.

May Yahweh help us all to recognise and make good use of all the gifts He has deposited in us. That we may bless our communities and build up members of the household of Christ, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a great day. Agape ❤

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