Daily Words of Wisdom.


Daily Words of Wisdom.

Posted OnApril 10, 2019 0

Hey there! Happy Wednesday. Here’s your Daily W.O.W …

Is there a ‘Pharaoh’ in your life who says they will not let you go that you may serve and glorify Yahweh? Have you found yourself being held against your will in ‘Egypt’ to serve this Pharaoh’s purpose?

Listen, he that the Son has made free is free indeed. You have been redeemed by the precious blood of Yeshua and ‘Pharaoh’ is a fraud! Start to speak against his rule in your life. God is never behind the relentlessly wicked and their wickedness. He is against them and has set His face against them for destruction unless they turn to Him and repent. Time to establish the end of their wickedness in your life with your mouth. Arise and prophecy against them. May Yahweh help us all. #Selah.

Have a wonderful day. Agape ❤️

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