Daily Words of Wisdom.


Daily Words of Wisdom.

Posted OnMarch 28, 2019 0

Hello! Happy Thursday. Here’s your Daily W.O.W:

What do you say or do when faced with a “Goliath” situation? How do you retain your faith and confidence in God in the face of an impossible situation?

David learned the art of encouraging himself in the Lord when faced with trials and troubles, from a very young age. He was able to boldly face the giant, Goliath even when it the popular opinion was that there was no way he could win, by reminding himself of Yahweh’s great acts of deliverance in his own wilderness. He pumped up his own faith and that of the king by giving testimonies of how God fought for him in the past.

Whatever situation you’re going through right now, remember that you have not made it this far by your own power or might. Remember that the Lord who delivered you in the past has not changed and is not asleep. He remains the same and all powerful to rise on your behalf and deliver you. What’s your testimony? Use it to pump up your faith! #Selah

Have a blessed day. Agape ❤️

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