Daily Words of Wisdom.


Daily Words of Wisdom.

Posted OnMarch 29, 2019 0

Hi there! How’re you doing. Happy Friday. Here’s your Daily W.O.W.

Many, if not all of the battles we fight originate from the mind. A thought, a mindset, an imagination … Either our own or somebody else’s. We are constantly fighting against these things which continually war against what Yahweh has in His mind for us. His own thoughts towards us are good and not evil to give us a future and a hope

For His thoughts to be established in our lives, our own thoughts have to align with His. And we also force any third party imagination or mindset that is coming against us to become subject to the Lordship of Christ in the place of warfare

Be determined to bring your mind in alignment with the mind of Christ, and destroy any external ungodly, evil imagination coming against you. Cause them to submit to the mind of Christ. Know what is on God’s mind for you. Confess it earnestly every day. Be intentional about your life and how you live it – in accordance to the word. Go to battle with the Word and you will begin to live the life that God intended for you. May Yahweh help us all. #Selah

Have a great day. Agape ❤️

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