Called To Discipline


Called To Discipline

Posted OnMay 11, 2020 0

To accept to be a disciple of someone or something is to accept to be disciplined in the rules and code of conduct that they have set out.

When we choose to follow Christ and His way of life, we have chosen to be His disciples. This means that we have accepted to be disciplined in living lives that are governed by the rules and code of conduct of heaven.

Yes, we are saved by grace and not by our works. However from the point of being saved, we have to live our lives according to the way of Christ. We have not received a licence to freedom only to entangle ourselves in things that misrepresent the kingdom to which we belong.

A very high level of training and discipline goes into becoming an army officer. However, the highest level of discipline should not be found in the army training camps. It should be found in a Christian who lives in daily denial of self, bearing all that comes with all joy.

The cross of discipline, not of lack, sorrow, sadness and constant pain, will need to be taken up daily. We have not been called to lack and sorrow or anything evil. But we have been called to joy, abundance, peace and hope.

Also with this comes persecution, attacks from the kingdom of darkness, temptations and all sorts. We need to always exercise daily discipline in dealing with whatever comes our way.

We have to remain in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Give ourselves over completely to the workings of the Holy Spirit. And allow Him to daily produce these in us at all times.


Father, thank You for counting us worthy to be discipled by Your Holy Spirit. Thank You because we did not choose ourselves, but You chose us.

Please help us to daily pick up our crosses of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control as we follow You.

We know that of our own selves we will always fall short. Therefore, help us to allow Your Holy Spirit to work in us and produce His fruit in us at all times. Thank you LORD, for we pray in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a wonderful day and stay safe under the blood. Agape ❤️

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