Answer Giving Peace


Answer Giving Peace

In moments like this time in the history of humanity, more than ever before, we need answers. So many questions are being asked which beggar answers.

When will this end? Would we ever be able to defeat this menace? Is this the end? Will this virus mutate even if we develop immunity to it? And on and on the questions go.

Nobody, right now, has any of the answers to these questions except the Most High who is all knowing. He knows everything and all that is on our hearts are not hidden from Him.

He know exactly what we need to do, but we need to be able to hear Him clearly in these times. We cannot have the chaos that fear creates in our hearts and still be able to listen and hear.

Peace and faith in your heart magnifies voice of the Holy Spirit. Worry and turbulence will magnify the voice of fear and hopelessness.

Now more than ever before, we need to connect with the heavens with our faith. To rely wholly on the leading and answer giving peace of God in our hearts.

Be full of faith, not fear. Be full of peace, not anxiety. And be full of answers, not uncertainty!


Father, thank You for giving us the opportunity to hear Your voice through the Holy Spirit who lives in us. But we know it is difficult for us to hear Him when our minds are not at peace.

Please quieten our hearts with Your divine peace that we may magnify His voice and that we may receive answers to the questions on our hearts and on the hearts of our governments in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a glorious day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020

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