Daily Words of Wisdom.


Daily Words of Wisdom.

Posted OnApril 18, 2019 0

Hello! Happy Thursday. Here’s your Daily W.O.W …

The calling of God is not based on your socio-economic background or status, not based on your skills and abilities and it is not based on how powerful you are by the standards of the world. If it were so, most of us would be unqualified. But then, how would we know that it is God’s power that is entirely at work if He only chooses obviously able vessels?

Has God called you to do something that seems impossible for you? Do you feel you’re not worthy of what He’s asking you to do? Would you have to totally rely on God’s power that is greater than you to accomplish this task? Have you been told that by normal human standards, you don’t have what it takes? Then, you really are a perfect candidate for Yahweh to use, because He seeks vessels that only He can work through to show His glory. Those who are weak in themselves, but will carry His strength. That the glory and praise might be His and His alone.

May Yahweh bring us to a place of total surrender for His power and wisdom to work in and through us in Yeshua’s name. #Selah

Have a wonderful day. Agape ❤️.

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