Daily Words of Wisdom.


Daily Words of Wisdom.

Posted OnApril 2, 2019 0


Hi there! Happy Tuesday. Here’s your Daily W.O.W …

We have not been called to fear Yahweh for nothing. Just as there are consequences for not walking in the fear of the Lord, there are also blessings that come from serving Him in reverential fear. If you live in the fear of God and His counsel, then you’re blessed. If you believe it, proclaim it … say this, “I am blessed because I live in the fear of the Lord. The Lord Himself blesses me from His city. I will see His prosperity in the promised land that He has given to me all the days of my life. I will live to see my children’s children and there is peace of God within my borders, in my heart, in my home and everywhere I go, I have the peace of God that passes all human understanding. This is my heritage as one who serves Yahweh in reverential fear. I believe it and I receive it in Yeshua’s most powerful name. Amen! #Selah

Do have a wonderful day. Agape ❤️

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