Posted OnMarch 9, 2019 0

Happy Saturday. Daily WoW:

There’s nothing on God’s mind and lips for you but blessings. He desires nothing for His children but greatness. Even when the enemy desires to curse us and does everything to keep us from walking in the perfect will of God, God still steps in to overturn his evil counsel
I pray for you today that you shall break out in blessings like a well watered garden. Every seed of prayer, fasting, time in Yahweh’s presence, help and love for others and for God, seed of praise even when there’s nothing to rejoice over, every single seed you have sown will not lack water so that it will grow, germinate and bring forth so much harvest that you will not have enough room for it. When the time for harvest comes, you shall not be found wanting in Jesus’ mighty name! #Selah

Have a great weekend. Agape ❤️

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