Motivation Matters
Kinesia is movement of any form. It denotes activity or action. But it doesn’t occur on its own. There’s always a force that initiates and sustains kinesia. When you get up to do something, a…
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Yahweh’s Relief Package
Life has different moments that it brings. Oh yes, everyone goes through these moments. Some come and go very quickly, while some others take time to shift. One thing though, that’s assured for…
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The Good Boss
If you have a good boss, they will always back you up with anything that you do in line with the company policy. As long as you have followed the rules of the book and can prove it, you will have…
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All Paid For
So you have a party and you hired and paid for the DJ. You give the DJ your playlist or preferred kind of music you want at your party. The DJ has to, by contractual obligation, play only what you…
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On Whose Side?
When we say we are on the LORD’s side, how do we prove that? It’s not just by our words that we declare whose side we are on, the LORD’s or the world’s. How we live our lives clearly shows…
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