Your Wish LORD, My Command
Struggling through life and fantasising about living the lives of grace, favour and goodness that God promised us isn’t the plan for us. Dreaming about walking in our glorious destiny is not the divine plan.
When God made us promises, He didn’t do it just so we can dream and fantasise about them. He did because that is the life that He knows we can live in reality.
But many times, we pray and speak these promises, we think them and we seek after them being established, but nothing just seems to be shifting.
By God’s mercy, we receive favour and we catch a glimpse of some of these promises. But a glimpse is not the plan for us. A full and glorious manifestation is the plan.
While we a sweating it out, doing all we can, Yahweh is probably thinking, “oh if only they know how easy it is to access all my promises!”
The solution is not new. Some people have accessed it, and now, they live in their promised land. They know how to live in order for God to be pleased with them.
It’s not hard to access the great and mouth watering promises of GOD for your life. Everyday, as you wake up, ask the LORD how you can please Him and just do it! Say to Him, Your wish LORD, my command!
Forget about your own pleasures and desires, and just go relentlessly after what Father desires and what pleases Him. Wait on Him as a waiter waits to serve the wishes of his customer.
He will in turn lead you into your promised land and hand it to you on a platter of gold. He will fight any enemy that may want to oust you from your inheritance. And He will give you victory, all because you seek to please Him, and He is pleased with you!

Father, please teach our hearts to seek after Your pleasures. Help us to understand that in pleasing You, we release unprecedented blessings upon our own lives.
Give us Your wisdom and help us to apply it in all our ways. As we do this, we will see You bring all our dreams and fantasies about Your divine promises come into full manifestation in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a fulfilling day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020