Your Pain, God’s Pain


Your Pain, God’s Pain

The pain of grief can throw one into the depths of darkness and it can be a big struggle to break through to the surface just to take a deep breath. Trust me, I know … I’ve been there a few times. Especially bad was when I lost my 5 weeks old premature baby girl.
Yahweh has also been there when He lost His only Son to yours and my sins.
But while I cannot do anything to help you find peace even in the midst of your grief, God can and will help you. He feels your pain even more acutely than you do and He specialises in the exchange business. He will exchange your ashes of mourning for beauty of peace. Your grief He will exchange for joyous blessings. Your despair also He will cause to give way to festive praise. And He will establish you as great oak, planted and tended by Yahweh Himself.
Go on, go through your grief, go through the process, but also let Him in to walk through it with you. Don’t shut Him out.

I pray for everyone going through a grieving process one way or another … may the comfort and peace of the Holy Spirit cut right though the cloud of grief and fill you with His peace and love in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah

Have a peaceful day. Agape ❤

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