When the Shaking Comes …
There are literally so many prophetic words being released in this season about the shaking that is coming to the earth.
At the start of the year, this shaking was predicted by some prophets, and we have been through some of it already. However, there is more to come according to these prophets.
These prophetic words do resonate with me. I believe it. There will be global shaking, and there will be individual shakings. Yahweh will shake the heavens and the earth, and then we will be fulfilled with treasures and the glory of the LORD will be revealed ( Haggai 2:6-7).
This shaking is not for evil, but for good to prevail. But there is one thing we all need to make sure of in all this. A very important detail that must be attended to without delay … check your foundation.
The most important thing in your life is who or what you depend on. This will determine how you fare when the shaking and the storm come. Will you stand? Or will your foundation crumble?
There is only one foundation that can take you through the storm, and that is your relationship with your Creator and the Saviour. No one and nothing else can get you through it but Him.
We can already see that when God moves, nothing and no one is beyond His reach. He touches presidents, kings, governors, armies, civilians, everyone! Nothing can save you from His hand except His hand. Check your foundation.

Father, thank You for Your plans and thoughts towards us are good and not evil. Even when You allow us to go through some stormy times, it’s to bring out something for our good.
Help us to check our foundations in You that we may guarantee our safety through any storms. Whatever needs to be repaired, rebuilt or fortified, do give us the insight to be able to do it.
At the end of it all, we will stand and we will be able to see Your glory in our lives and on the earth in Jesus’ mighty name. #Selah.
Have a peaceful day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020