Travail For Humanity
There is a disease that is eating up humanity. It is a curable disease, but ignorance of its cure is allowing it to eat deep and destroy our souls.
Anyone who believes that just because we look different on the outside makes us also different on the inside is living in ignorance and is allowing that disease to fester.
This ignorance needs to be destroyed before it destroys any further. We need to consume it before it consumes us!
There is a need for intercessors to arise to travail for humanity. To watch and seek for opening of eyes and enlightenment of understanding.
So that we will know that God who made us diverse on the outside also made us the same on the inside. No difference! Our bodies and organs all function the same and have the all same parts.
There are watchmen that Yahweh is raising who He is placing a burden on them just to travail against this evil division in our world. Their tears will flow in the place of prayer. They will not relent in seeking for the righteousness of Yahweh to prevail over all evil and injustice.
Every tear shed for humanity is never unnoticed by heaven. Destruction of another, whether due to religion, racism or sheer hatred for another touches God even more than it touches us.
It’s evil and God is against all forms of evil. It’s not of Him and it must not be allowed to continue. We need to root it out.

Father, You created us all in Your image and likeness that we may show Your glory and praise. Even though You made us diverse in looks, we all are the same in Your likeness.
Please help our understanding of this be enlightened that we may see one another as you see us. Every root of hatred and unjust evil killings must be destroyed.
Raise burden bearers who will travel until we see You justice prevail over evil in our world in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah
Have a blessed day and stay safe under the blood ?. Agape ❤️.
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020