There’s Your Will, There’s God’s Will


There’s Your Will, There’s God’s Will

Posted OnMay 4, 2020 0

To say that we will do something is to express a willingness to do something or carry out a request. Your will is something you give freely, your desire.

When it becomes enforced, then it’s been given under duress which then makes it no longer what you desire to do of your own freewill.

The question then is, what will you choose to do with each day that you have been given? What will you do with every breath that you take? The fact that you’re alive and well today is not by choice. It’s a gift of the free will of God.

He promised you his will, to bless and satisfy you with long life. His will is to not allow you to suffer shame. His will is to never leave you nor forsake you. We know His will through His word, the scriptures.

However, there’s your will, and there’s God’s will. God has laid out His own will for us in His word. If we were made like Him, then when will you lay out your will for Him?

What will you do in return for His kindness and gracious love in willing to us everything He has?

Like the Psalmist, let us choose to live blameless, righteous lives. Let us choose with integrity and avoid those who do evil towards their neighbours. Let us us good and stay away from all appearance of evil.


Father, we thank you for Your will and desire for us is ever for good and never for evil. Thank You for establishing Your will in our lives.

In accepting Your will, help us also to lay before You our own will. That we may choose to serve and worship You all the days of our lives, and with everything that we have. In Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a wonderful and stay safe under the blood. Agape ❤️

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