The Reward.


The Reward.

Posted OnOctober 2, 2019 0

The joy of anyone who works faithfully for another is the recognition and reward they receive for a job well done! While the primary motivation should be love and not the reward, but it’s definitely an incentive to want to do more.

God calls His children to do various works in His vineyard. Some have been called to the forefront while others are called to be in the background but wielding equal power.
Whatever you have been called to do, do it with the consciousness that nothing goes unnoticed by heaven. Do it faithfully.
When you make yourself available for those things that are dear to the LORD’s heart, the things dear to your own heart are supernaturally taken care of.

I pray that everyone tending Father’s orchard faithfully will not lack anything good. In return for their labour of love, I ask for sweet honour, in Yeshua’s name! #Selah

Have a great day. Agape ❤

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