The Ark, The Presence, The Victory
Still on the ark of the LORD. It represents the presence and the glory of the LORD. It carried items that represented Yeshua Himself and what He does in our lives.
Yeshua is our high priest who goes before us into the future to seek out rest for us. He has made us all who believe in His name priests and kings unto Himself.
In the same way the priests carried the ark in those days, so we also carry God’s presence and glory. We bear upon us the mark of the Lord Jesus and so no man or situation is permitted to trouble us.
As soon as we step into any situation with the presence of God upon our lives, we step into victory and success.
No obstacle can withstand the presence of Yahweh. To every carrier of His presence, He gives landslide victories with obstacles parting into heaps before them.
Jordans will part! Mountains will move and atmosphere will change. Don’t set out on a new day without taking the ark with you. Don’t start a new venture with checking that the ark has not departed.
You mustn’t do anything or go anywhere without making sure that God is in it with us.
Keep an atmosphere of worship around you. Stay in the word of God. Speak to Him and receive from Him in the place of prayer. Be conscious of His voice and never ignore His promptings.
Grow in obedience to His instructions and let Him know that like Moses, you will do nothing and go nowhere without the assurance of His presence with you.
And so shall your victory be assured by the power of the Holy Spirit. No demons, disease, mountain or evil can withstand God’s presence.

Father, thank You for You will never leave or forsake us. You’re always with us in all situations. Thank You for giving us assurance through the Holy Spirit.
Please teach us to always live with the consciousness of Your power and glory with us. Teach us to walk into every situation, carrying the ark, so that we may see obstacles part before us always in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a wonderful day and stay safe under the blood ?. Agape ❤️.
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020