Soon and Very Soon


Soon and Very Soon

Posted OnApril 20, 2021 0

The word soon depicts a short but non-specific time span. Because of its unspecific nature, it is very open to interpretation. So if I say soon, I may be speaking about the next few minutes, days, weeks or even months.

So, when, some two thousand years ago, Jesus promised His disciples that He would soon return, there was no way they would have thought that promise would still be unfulfilled thousands of years later.

This is because of how we, humans, see time. Soon to us actually means soon. Now, so many people have lost their faith in this promise because of how long it is taking. Some even make jokes out of it to spite people who never fulfil their promises!

What we must remember, however, is that God doesn’t observe time the way we do here on earth. To Him Earthly thousand years is but a day (2 Peter 3:8). So when He says He’s coming back soon, it will happen but not in our own time!

There’s a temptation to grow weary and feel the reward for all your godly work is delayed. You may actually be thinking of falling back because you see others who don’t seem to put in as much time, effort and investment into the kingdom work, being seemingly blessed.

To what end is all these? You may be asking yourself. Please, don’t even think of stopping all the great work that you’re doing here, no matter how hard it is to keep going. Your reward is in safe hands and it’s coming soon!

Nothing you ever do for Yahweh will go unrewarded. It may tarry, but wait for it. And yes, Jesus Christ is coming soon!!


LORD JESUS, thank You for promising to return to us soon, bringing our rewards with You. Please help us to remain strong in our service and love for you, never wavering in faith no matter how long it takes in our eyes, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a blessed day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️

*© Tosin Oyelakin 2021* ⁣

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