Rid Yourselves of Ungodliness


Rid Yourselves of Ungodliness

Posted OnOctober 26, 2020 0

The Christian life is a journey that only starts when you become born again and spirit filled. This is not where it ends, it’s only the start of a lifetime building of a lifestyle that will last for eternity.

When you believe with your heart and confess that Jesus Christ is LORD over your life, your Spirit immediately is renewed by the power of the Holy Spirit which comes upon you.

However, that is all the change you experience at that point. More work needs to be done on your mind and your flesh. And this is all down to you.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you continue to stay fit for the Master’s use. The Holy Spirit helps, so does Grace but you also need to work hand in hand with them.

If becoming born again would automatically get rid of all acts of ungodliness, Paul wouldn’t be asking Christians to get rid of such by themselves. This tells me that it’s ongoing work that you and I need to do with ourselves.

The Holy Spirit can point out the ungodly areas of our lives to us. Because He convicts of sin. Grace can empower us to be able to resist and truly have dominion over sin. But it is one thing to be enabled, and another to actually get up and do something.

Do all in your power to remain blameless before Yahweh until Christ returns. We have help, and it’s doable.


Father, thank You for your Holy Spirit and Grace who help us to be all that You designed for us to be. You have indeed given us all that we need for life and godliness.

Please help us to make good use of Your resources and do all we can to rid ourselves of all acts of ungodliness that we may truly become Your righteousness through our faith in Christ, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a wonderful day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020

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