Press On to Know Yahweh


Press On to Know Yahweh

Posted OnJune 28, 2021 0

Knowledge, as the saying goes, is power. On the other hand, lack of knowledge brings destruction according to the Bible (Hosea 4:6).

Relationships are built or destroyed through knowledge. Take a marriage for example. You would normally marry someone based on what you know about them, which has built love and trust in your heart for that person.

However, that same marriage could break down irreparably if you the got to know that the same person has been unfaithful to you.

What you know of someone will either build trust or distrust in them. And that is the same with our relationship with GOD. If you know Yahweh and His faithfulness, you cannot but have unshakable faith in His promise to deliver and to save.

But what do you know about Him? How have you pressed on against all odds to really get to know Him? Everything may fight against you getting to know His power and faithfulness because the enemy wishes to keep you ignorant.

Once he can achieve this, then he can keep you from the blessings that come from knowing and trusting Yahweh. It will not be easy, but you will have to press on in your pursuit of knowledge of Him who created you and I.

The more you know Him, the more you trust and have faith in Him. The more you place your trust and faith in Him, the more He showers you with blessings and dews of freshness. Hallelujah!

How can you know Him? Through relationship. Talk with Him through prayers. Walk with Him in the light of His word. Listen to Him and be obedient to His instructions. The more you obey, the more He reveals to you!


Father, thank You for the invitation for us to press on in our knowledge of You. This will ultimately lead us to our place of unlimited blessings and goodness from You.

Please help us to keep pressing on in our pursuit of knowledge of You regardless of the opposition we may face in this quest. As we do know You, build up our strong faith and trust in You more and more, thereby leading us to unlimited blessings over our lives in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.

Have a marvellous day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️

*© Tosin Oyelakin, June 2021*

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