Practise It, Perfect It
When you study in the university to become a professional in a particular area, you don’t automatically become the best in that field in practice as soon as you graduate. Not even if you graduate with the highest possible CGPA.
No matter how good you were in your studies, if you do not go on to actually practice with your degree, you will never become an expert at it.
You will have the head knowledge, but you will not be able to guide others as effectively as someone who knows the ins and outs of the profession through years and years of experience. After a while, you may even become faded in your knowledge.
In the same way, we as followers of Christ sit under His tutelage when we study the word or listen to others teaching us. We learn the rudiments of being like Him to have the knowledge of His ways and desires for us.
However, learning alone does not make us experts at spiritual things. We need to practice what we have learned, and we need to grow in it through years and years of experience.
With experience, we are able to impart our knowledge to others effectively. We would not only talk about what have have the knowledge of, but that which we have seen, handled and experienced ourselves.
Practicing what we profess and teach, in our own lives, as Christ’s followers helps us to keep our salvation and bring salvation also to those we are trying to reach. It’s possible to lose your own life in the same fire you’re trying to save others from.

Father, thank You for the opportunity that You give us to learn from You and impart our knowledge unto others. As we partner with You, strengthen us that we may grow in our knowledge of Your ways through practice.
Grant us wisdom to be able to establish our own salvation through the practice of Your word. Help us to make good progress that is visible to all around us in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah
Have a glorious day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2021