Only by Mercy


Only by Mercy

There are times I wonder how God is able to see everything, both good and evil, that’s going on in our world and still bless us with the light of days. He does not withhold the rain nor the sunshine nor any good thing from us.

Not because He condones evil, but because of His never ending mercies. The fact is that even the best of us, no matter how morally upright, still stumble either in words, thoughts or deeds.

This not to put down all who strive for righteousness, but to highlight that we would be nowhere without the mercies of Yahweh. Mercy is what we received when GOD’s forgiveness and new covenant through Christ were offered to us freely. We are not here, standing because of anything else!

We are here and will continue to stand only due to Father’s compassionate mercies. Let’s always remember that!


Father, thank You for all that You do for us. For your faithfulness and mercy are sure. Even when we have failed You, You remain steadfast in Your promises. Thank You!

Please LORD, help us to always remember this so that we don’t ever take these for granted or start to feel self sufficient. Help us to always know and appreciate Your goodness and mercy as they follow us, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah

Have a blissful day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️

*© Tosin Oyelakin, February 2022*

Music: Tosin Oyelakin – Amazing Grace Giantkiller Mix

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