Not A Mistake
You know, some things happen in life that make us wonder why we were ever born. At some point in life, we might question the reason why we were placed on this earth. Just to fill the space or is there any purpose to our lives?
There is however, nothing that God made in error. No creation that has ever been, no human that ever walked the surface of this earth did so as a result of a mistake that God made in creation.
Everything and everyone was carefully thought of and planned to be for a reason. The bible says that nothing was created outside of Yahweh’s will!
I believe that these moments of questioning occur so that we can begin to seek the purpose of God that lies buried deep within our hearts.
Some of us get to the point where we do seek and find purpose. Some of us, on the other hand miss our moments and never get to live divine purpose. It’s all about the choices that we make.
What will you choose to do with the life that you have been given? Live it with purpose and intention? Or keep believing that you were some scientific mistake that happened at creation?
Nothing in the universe works by itself; Somebody put all the natural laws in motion and that Person is Yahweh. You are the product of an intelligent creator. You’re not a mistake.
Seek and find purpose. Serve the only living God and creator of the universe, Yahweh. Let His glory fill the earth through the life that you live.

Father, thank You because when you created all of us, You placed something highly valuable within us, and that is purpose.
Do please grant us the will to seek, find and fulfil Your divine purpose for our lives. Let us not waste all that You have invested in us in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah.
Have a wonderful day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️
© Tosin Oyelakin 2020