Just One Word From Yahweh


Just One Word From Yahweh

When Jesus demonstrated His authority over demons, and His power to change impossible situations, all He needed to do was speak a word. Just a command and everything changed.

He spoke to the wind and it obeyed. He spoke to the demons in the possessed man and told them where to go, and they obeyed promptly, all 6000 of them (legion).

Jesus didn’t have to drag it with them for hours neither did He have to engage them in a lengthy discourse. They just knew they had to obey!

He commanded and death relinquished its four-day old hold on Lazarus. No questions asked!

In fact, in some instances, He didn’t even need to say a word at the time of the miracle. He already promised the woman with the issue of blood healing in His Word. She just went to lay claim on that promise by touching His clothes!

He is the same God of the Old and New Testaments who created the heavens and the earth. What can He not do? All you need is just one word from Him and your life is guaranteed never to remain the same.

There is a great turnaround coming your way! Everything you’ve suffered will be turned around for good. Your overflow will manifest without fail. The word has already been spoken. The promise has already been made to you. Won’t you arise and lay your claim on it? It’s yours!


Father, thank You because Your promises to us never have an expiry date. From eternity to eternity, they will continue to work for us.

Please give us the tenacity to continue to hold on to your word and wisdom to always locate the right word for every season and situation in our lives, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah

Have a beautiful day and stay safe under the blood ? Agape ❤️

*© Tosin Oyelakin, February 2022*

Music: Tosin Oyelakin – Shammah

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