


A few days ago, my 4 year old DS (Dear Son) out of the blues asked me this question, and as I stuttered trying to answer, I realised how big a question this is. Later I would ruminate on this ‘big’ question and in my thoughts one question led to another.
In order to answer, I first asked myself – who is a Christian? Then I asked myself –did God or even Christ Himself actually call us Christians? If not then what did God and Christ call us who believe in Him as the only begotten Son of God? How did the early believers refer to themselves?
I decided to do a bit of research into this and realised the word Christian appeared only 3 times in the bible – Act 11:26, Acts26:28 and 1Peter 4:16. Of these 3 instances, only once did Paul refer to believers as Christians in order to encourage them in their sufferings, and it was more like if you call yourselves…. Believers were first and foremost called Christians in order to identify them (maybe mockingly) as those who follow Christ’s teachings. A Christian sounds to me like someone who is a follower of Christ’s doctrine, His teachings and trying to follow in His footsteps.
On further study, I also found believers are called Sons of God by the first disciples. They never referred to themselves or other believers as Christians. The phrase “sons of God” refers to as many as believe in Jesus Christ (John1:12), as many as are led by His Spirit (Romans 8:14), the earnest expectation awaiting their manifestation (Romans 8:19), having the Spirit of God to call Him father (Galatians 4:6). Other scriptural references to believers as sons of God are Phil 2:15, Heb 12:7, 2Peter 3:11 and 1 John 3:1-2.
So what do sons do? They are expected to manifest characteristics of their father, not try to follow him, but actually be like him effortlessly. Sons have the DNA of their father which makes them act like him, think like him, have the same mannerisms, talk like him. If a son has nothing of his father, the tendency is to question the paternity of that son.
So is God a Christian? My answer to that is a definite no. Or more importantly, am I a Christian or the son of God? I’d rather be the son of God than a Christian. It is estimated that there are about 2.01 billion people in the world who refer to themselves as Christians. But how many are actually manifesting as the sons of God?…
Well, this is just me though, but hey, what would you call yourself, a Christian or a son?

Is God A Christian

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