

Posted OnJanuary 1, 2016 0


Happy New Year to you all! I pray this New Year brings you all your heart’s desires and also brings you closer to God in all that you do.

In addition to all the great things this year holds in store for us, I also believe 2016 is a year of ‘Choice’. You can no longer sit on the fence and believe you will get along just fine. You will have to make a choice on who to serve, follow and do his will.
Joshua 24: 14-15 encourages to serve God, and to choose this day whom you will serve. You can no longer be hot nor cold, you can no longer decide to serve God today, and do your own thing the next: in essence, you can no longer be lukewarm!

When I look at events happening all around the world, I see that the kingdom of darkness is advancing, and becoming very aggressive and bold in their moves. They are no longer covert in their operation, but very upfront! The kingdom of God needs to counteract this by arising and stop being afraid to boldly and publicly proclaim the Lordship of Jesus Christ. How long are we going to hide and be complacent about our beliefs? We need labourers in the fields, bringing in the harvest which is ever so ripe.

I see people in their droves heading in the wrong direction and my heart bleeds that we who are meant to be helping them find their way are just sitting around, looking in the other direction and not being bothered about the destruction coming to humanity. Or we are just too busy with other stuff to feel the pain The Lord feels when He sees the humanity He died for, heading towards destruction.

You see each second that passes, each day we wake up, and every New Year we celebrate bring us closer to the end of age which has been promised us. Recent events are evidences of what we are to expect when the end is near. It’s time for those that name the name of the Lord to fully depart from iniquity and work the work of Him who has sent us while it is yet day (while there is still time!)

If you choose to serve the Lord, which I hope you would, then serve Him with all of your heart and make His priority yours – souls! If you won’t serve Him, then stop the façade and make your stance know –perhaps then, we might stop assuming you do serve Him and try to help you see the Truth.

If we all, who are His children allow our lights to shine and we start to manifest His glory all over the world, then our lights will pervade the whole earth, and men will be drawn to the brightness of our rising.

I love you all and it’s my desire to see everyone reading this on the other side of eternity with our Father, rejoicing, having brought others along with us to the banquet of our Lord and His Bride (The Church).

The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face to shine on you and be gracious unto you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you His peace – Numbers 6: 24-26.

New Year

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