Grace Is Sufficient
In every Christ believing child of God lies a measure of grace because we have the Holy Spirit in us. It is He who gives us the power to be all that we have been called to be.
He makes it possible for us to be able to do supernatural things that we know are way beyond our own human capabilities.
He also helps us to grow more and more like the Father, even when our flesh wants to be something completely different.
The grace of our LORD through the Holy Spirit enables us to stand strong against every trial and temptation that come our way. We will never be tempted beyond the grace of God that lies within us.
In Christ Jesus lies the grace that enables you to stand strong. Your own strength at it’s best is nowhere near enough to uphold you.
Our growth in anything we do is also by grace. In short, we are fully reliant on the grace of God to be anything, and that’s why Jesus said that without Him we can do nothing. We need His grace and His grace is everything to us.

Father we thank You for Your grace that You give us in Christ Jesus. Please help us to stand strong in this.
Help us to always know that it is Your grace that enables us to do and be all that You desire for us to be. May we never not need You or feel that we can do anything outside of Your grace, in Yeshua’s mighty name. #Selah
Have a blessed day. Agape ❤